- If you want to write the code that will be
started in its own thread, you can: or implement the Runnable interface;
or extend the Thread object
- To start the code to run its own thread, just
call the start() method (not the run())
- Thread itself implements
- If you will to start already started Thread you
will get IllegalThreadStateException
- There is now way to pass the Thread priority, to
the Threads constructor, you can pass only the thread name
- To pass the priority to the thread just use the
setPriority() method
- Thread priority could be from 1 to 10
- Priorities could be ignored by JVM
- If priority of started Thread wasn't specified,
the priority would be inherited from the priority of the Thread that
stated Thread
java.lang.Thread important methods
- To get the current thread instance you should
call the Thread.getCurrentThread() method
- The static Thread.sleep() method throws checked
InterruptedException when thread encounters sleep it must go to sleep for
at least to the number of specified milliseconds
- The static Thread.yeld() method could be used as
the hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield its
current use of a processor and if it was successful in it other thread
will run. But it
is absolutely not guarunteed
- The non-static join() method throws
checked InterruptedException makes the current thread wait until the
Thread on which instance it was called will finish its work. If
Thread on which instance it was called wasn't started or already
dead nothing happens
- The non-static interrupt() method if interrupted
thread in the sleeping or waiting state cause the sleeping thread
throw InterruptedException. Else just change the flag isInterrupted()
to true. . Possible to interrupt not started thread and then start
it. The isInterrupted()
method will return false
- The non-static setDaemon() method, sets the
method as daemon. Program won't wait this thread to be finished
- The method or the block of code could be
synchronized and you need to synchronize when there is more than two
thread in your application trying to access the same the data and at least
one thread modifies this data
- Synchronizing the instance method will cause the
synchronization only for this one instance
- The static method or the block of code could be
synchronized on the static variable, so only one thread for the all
application could execute such code at once
- Synchronization of the non-static getter or
setter for the static field will ensure you from race condition only when
you use only one instance. When there is two or more instances
synchronization could be broken
- Synchronization of the static and non-methods
doesn’t block each other
- Sleep doesn't release the synchronization lock
- The all run() method could be syncromized
java.lang.Object important methods
- wait(), notify(), notifyAll() must be called from
within a synchronized context! A thread can't invoke this method on an
object unless its own that object's lock. You will get
the IllegalMonitorStateException if you will try it
- The non-static wait() method throws
checked InterruptedException release the lock of synchronization and
makes the thread to waits until it will notified or interrupted, or until
timeout is passed if it is specified
- There is possibility that the thread will
spontaneously wakes up it is so called "spurious wake ups"
- The non-static method notify() wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor. If any threads are waiting on this object, one of them is randomly chosen to be awakened. If nobody waits this monitor - nothing happens
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